Organic Capsicum Red

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Organic Capsicum Red

About The Product

Red capsicum is originated in South America. Red capsicum is more mature than green, orange or yellow capsicum. They are rich in carotenoid, phytonutrients and contain almost eleven times more beta-carotene than green bell peppers as well as one and a half times more vitamin C.


The vitamin A and beta-carotene in red peppers offers good support for your overall vision and eye health. Vitamin A is also helpful in supporting skin cells, healing wounds, and boosting white blood cell growth

Nutritional Facts

Capsicums are an excellent source of vitamin A and C (red contain more than green capsicums). They are also a good source of dietary fibre, vitamin E, B6 and folate. The sweetness of capsicums is due to their natural sugars (green capsicums have less sugar than red capsicums).


Peppers should be firm when you buy them. How to store: Refrigerate peppers, unwashed, in a plastic bag in the vegetable drawer. Keep them dry, as moisture will eventually cause them to rot. Shelf life: Red and yellow peppers will last four to five days; green, about a week